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May 20, 2024

SMP+ Update: Tavern, The Underground, and More

SMP+ Update: Tavern, The Underground, and More

We are excited to announce the new minor update: Tavern, The Underground, and More. This update elaborates and brings two new exciting paths within the SMP+ experience along with other minor changes and features.

Mayorship Update

The preliminary round of elimination has begun! Choose which candidate you see as best-fit for the position of mayor at the Town Hall. This is only the initial round of elimination; following this vote, there will be two candidates remaining to vote on a second time. You have one week to vote.

Be sure to do your civic duty! These mayors, as explained in the last post, hold a lot of power over the economy and the buildings of spawn, so be thoughtful in your pick!

Legundo's Tavern is back!

Enjoy a sweet summer brew at the newly updated Legundo's Tavern. Potions now have a more reasonable cap, a more intuitive system, and a greater control over the brewing experience. Visit the Tavernkeeper to place an order for an enhanced potion, and pick up your order with the Hostess.

Kick back and relax in the newly overhauled building with a fresh brew from the brand new system.

The Underground

The Underground's main pull is one key feature: Crime. This is our brand new pathway which we are excited to rollout into SMP+. This pathway is far different from the others: it will become lucrative and in-depth, but also be associated with a high level of risk. Further, updates to this pathway will not always reach a changelog, meaning it is up to you guys to figure out what comes next in this exciting adventure.

The owner of the E Emporium, Ecr, was caught a few weeks ago in a major crypto scam. Since then, he has been camping out back of the emporium. An employer reached out for him to be a salesman for some "pyramid scheme" (whatever that is). He happily accepted and is now selling two new products. One of these products is a lockpick. Use this new tool on various existing locations across the map to be able to access locked areas and, potentially, make some Crowns. Be weary of your use as, if you get caught, you may experience temporary harsher treatment from some business owners.

Many more exciting features have yet to come to The Underground. Don't get caught!


The second product Ecr has been tasked with selling is the brand new HoloHead. Place this sci-fi device down to project text for your business or personal use. This makes as a great piece to advertise your brand new sale on underwear or your plans for world domination in your mayorship campaign. However, please note that these devices are new-age technology and come with a steep price and a limit of three per player.

Other Changes

  • Shady Cats has been overhauled with a brand new system! Enjoy the new rewards system with exclusive benefits in pricing and a rewards card. Collect stamps to get vouchers for free heads and Crowns toward your next purchase.
  • Ec-Art has been bought by ShadowNinja1029 and CptAvery! Welcome to our new owners! They can make custom maps at request, for a fee of course. The store is currently under renovation.
  • By popular demand... Added Strider spawn egg and spawner at Herbert's spawner shop in the Laboratory
  • Enabled invincibility within the mall area. Due to many unwanted deaths and mobs, the Mall has been enabled to be invincible for players just like spawn.
  • Bugs revolving the hub have been patched. More to come, here, as well.
  • A whole lotta performance optimizations and stability changes. Still not quite where we would like it, but the issue has been getting better. More changes to come to better improve this issue.
  • Removed Legundo.


As per usual with updates, a booster has been enabled for the next 3 days. Enjoy a sweet 1.5x return on Crowns until then!