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Jun 27, 2024

Extraction Build Event

Extraction Build Event

Beginning now and until Extraction's Open Beta launch, find a fresh new event on leg.gg!

This game has been such a huge undertaking, but we want to make sure to include you, our community, in this event! We want you to be able to look around on your run in the Nexus and go "Oh... that's my thing!"

So let's do that!


Build what you would like to see in the Extraction world today in our new large plot world! Construct small buildings, decorations, and other details, and you might just find them in the Extraction map later on.

How to Join

  1. Join leg.gg
  2. Use the server selector or NPC to join the Event world
  3. Use /plot auto to claim a new plot and begin building!

Stay Posted

More information on Extraction's Open Beta and other fresh new changes are yet to come!