Java Edition
Click on Multiplayer, Add Server, and insert the following information:
Server Name: Anything You Want
Server Address:

Bedrock Edition: Mobile and Windows
The mobile and Windows versions of Bedrock do not require any tweaks to access the server! Simply use the information above when adding a server.
Bedrock Edition: Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox
In order to add a custom server on console, you MUST add a custom DNS server.
Once complete, use the information above.
If you plan to use both Java and Bedrock, it is recommended that you link your accounts.
In order to link, you will need to know your login to both your Bedrock and Java accounts. You do NOT need to login the server to complete this.
Follow the prompts in the website below by opting for Global Linking and Online Linking.
Proximity Chat
Java Edition only!
The community server is compatible with Simple Voice Chat! It is highly recommended for the best experience.
For a guide on how to install the mod, follow the instructions in the video below.
Additional Account Information
You are responsible for your account and any actions that are taken on your account.
If a rule is broken on your account, you are responsible for those consequences that may occur.
Alt accounts are not allowed and, if found, will result in a ban on the alt account and, potentially, an IP ban.