Greetings, beloved community! I hope you’re all having a fantastic day, whether you’re grinding for shards or building a beautiful life for yourself on the SMP. I come bearing great news!
As the world of Minecraft is ever-evolving and innovating, so are we! I am thrilled to announce that Wadebox and I (AragonTelly) are joining forces with Legundo to create unforgettable experiences for all of you. We’ll be working on new and innovative projects that will blow your socks off! Rest assured, our primary focus at the moment is on ensuring Extraction reaches its full potential, and we have some exciting ideas and projects in the works that I think you’ll love. :)
For those who might not know us, allow us to introduce ourselves!
I’m Aragon, a 21-year-old (freshly graduated yay) storyteller and content creator from The Netherlands! I’m mostly known for wholesome and cozy content and my inclusive community. I’ve previously created Nations, a medieval fantasy project similar to Game of Thrones involving over 70 people and a bunch of awesome wars and fights. I'm also the creator of Vault 11, a Fallout-inspired story with over 30 creators involved. My content focuses on beating Minecraft in the weirdest ways (Minecraft but everything is water, Minecraft but everything is in bottles) and on story-driven projects where I act out scenarios with fellow creators and friends. I am extremely excited to create some unforgettable stories with Legundo and Wade for all of you guys!
Want to find out more about Aragon? Click here!

Heyo! I’m Wade, a British content creator who helps to create shows on the telly! I’ve been in the industry for a few years now and have learnt a lot about creating all sorts of productions worldwide, so I try to use those skills in the various things I produce for Twitch and YouTube… no matter how scuffed they get! You may also remember me from MCC Rising 2 - I was the Lime Llama who cried his eyes out at the end… and also beat Legundo… teehee! Outside of telly land & content though, I have been heavily involved in the management of multiple creator projects and community servers, so I’m excited to join this team to help create some fantastic experiences for you all!
Want to find out more about Wade? Click here!

More news will follow soon, see ya!