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Aug 21, 2024

Upcoming Extraction Update - Breaking Changes

Upcoming Extraction Update - Breaking Changes

Hello all!!

A full an proper update to 1.21 is almost here for Extraction! This will be our version 1.2 update, including a bunch of new items and tech (hmm.... I wonder what's special about 1.21?!?!) as well the groundwork for some new features coming in our version of Minecraft's latest update.

However... we have some problems.

The main thing is a breaking change to heads in 1.21. You see, we use a plugin called Head Database for all of the custom head items in Extraction, and this has the name "Head Database" for all of them - the problem is, spaces aren't allowed in 1.21. Now... the plugin has fixed this, so all NEW heads will be fine, however the old ones no longer serialize at all and throw an exception instead. Because of this, we can't store the items in the database to even run the item updated, which means old items will fail to work for things like trades in 1.21.

This means that items like Turing's Helmet, Bags of Seeds, and other custom head items will BREAK in 1.21, and old items will be unable to be traded. We can't even support other trades going forward for these old heads. We're working on another system so these items aren't entirely worthless, but this is unfortunately a side effect of this major Minecraft update.

There's a couple other items where things like this come up, but those don't have the same issues and will work with the Item Updater vendor, so keep an eye out for the full path notes, but for now - go SPEND THOSE BAGS!