Leg.GG's first true minigame! Blowout is an explosive take on a battle over the void where when your hearts hit zero, you EXPLODE! Don't worry, this isn't fatal and your health will reset right away, the blocks under your feet though... that's a different story...
You aren't totally out of luck though! Break falling crates for powerful upgrades and items, and collect blocks from the decaying map to attempt to create a safe space for you to stand.
Jump onto gold pressure plates to launch yourself into the air for the perfect mace smash, and be careful of those snowballs... they seem to have some gunpowder mixed in...
As the game progresses, the BOOM LEVEL will increase, making explosions larger and more dangerous, and the map more and more destroyed. Additionally, the world will close in forcing all players to the ever-diminishing center of the arena. Be the last player standing on solid ground, and you win!

There are two maps for Blowout for launch: Devland and Hexa-GONE, each playing a bit differently.

The game is designed to be simple, repeatable, and a total blast (pun indented) - and we hope you'll like it! To Queue for Blowout just interact with the Blowout NPC in the lobby.